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Testimonies from Our Stephen Leaders

Compassionate, Confidential, Christ-Centered Companionship

Our Stephen Leaders share the reasons they chose to start Walking Alongside in Southern Alamance:

Karen Cheek is a Stephen Leader, a deaconess in the United Methodist Church, and a long-time resident of Alamance County. Here's her story.

Sharon Brignon is a Stephen Leader, a deaconess in the United Methodist Church, and an active leader at SAFE Food Ministry. Here's her story.

Sue Eldon is a Stephen Leader, a pastor in the United Methodist Church, and a spiritual director. Here's her story.


Walking Alongside launched as a new caring ministry in Southern Alamance County in 2021. In partnership with churches across our community, our mission is to equip God's people to walk alongside those who are hurting, demonstrating Christ's healing love through sacred, tangible relationships.


Southern Alamance (Graham, Snow Camp, Saxapahaw, NC)

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