Walking Alongside Companions
Compassionate, Confidential, Christ-Centered Companionship
Also known as Stephen Ministers.
Who Becomes a Companion?
Companions are men and women who have been equipped and commissioned for this caring ministry. They come from many different backgrounds, ages, churches, and walks of life, but all have one important thing in common: a heart for bringing Christ’s healing love to hurting people.
In short, Companions, also known as Stephen Ministers, are people like you—caring Christians who want to show the love of God to others and make a difference in the lives of those going through difficult times.

What Do Companions Do?
Companions, also known as Stephen Ministers walks alongside a hurting person, providing one-to-one, emotional and spiritual care — listening, empathizing, encouraging, helping process feelings, and connecting the person with God’s love. Serving in this role is an opportunity to put your spiritual gifts into action and touch people’s lives in meaningful ways.
Typically, a Companion meets with his or her care receiver in person once a week for approximately one hour. The relationship may last for a few weeks or for a year, depending on the needs of the care receiver.
Who are the Care Receivers?
Companions provide care for people in our congregations and our community who are experiencing difficulties in life, such as grief, job loss, divorce, major illness, spiritual struggles, and so on. In the midst of challenging times, receiving care from a trained Stephen Minister can make a significant difference.
To learn more about care receivers click here.

What is Training Like?
Stephen Minister training is an engaging, interactive experience that fully equips you to provide high- quality, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. Walking Alongside Stephen Leaders use presentations, discussions, readings, videos, skill practices, and spiritual growth activities to equip and empower individuals with practical caregiving and relational skills. In addition, the training provides many opportunities for building Christian community and experiencing personal and spiritual growth.
Stephen Minister training . . .
teaches principles and skills that equip you to provide high-quality, Christ-centered emotional and spiritual care to others.
gives you new insight into the thoughts, feelings, and actions of people who are hurting.
equips you with relational and caring skills you can apply to all aspects of your life.
helps deepen your faith as the Holy Spirit fashions you into a Christ-centered caregiver.
builds a special bond of Christian community and camaraderie among all those in your class.
is highly interactive, engaging, and a lot of fun!
Stephen Ministers often say that their training is life-transforming—helping them to grow in faith and learn relationship principles and skills that deepen and enhance all the relationships in their life.