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Read Stories from Our Companions

Compassionate, Confidential, Christ-Centered Companionship

Our Stephen Ministers share the Ways God is working in their lives through and because of Walking Alongside:


Donna Marlette

When I first learned about Walking Alongside Stephen Ministry, I was very interested in learning more. Initially, I was concerned about the time commitment as there were so many things I was involved in at my church, my part-time job, and family commitments. After asking God for guidance, I felt confident that participating in the training was the right thing for me to do.

As our Stephen Ministry group started training in the fall of 2021, we developed a sense of closeness with God and each other. We have shared deep feelings and helped each other through times of grief, loss, and health concerns – all while learning how to be Christian caregivers to those in need of someone to listen, care and understand.

Just past the mid-point of our training, I was asked if I would consider being a caregiver for a lady who was grieving the loss of a family member. With God's guidance, I accepted the request. I was certainly a little nervous about my first meeting with my care receiver as I knew I had more to learn about being a Stephen Minister. Still, with God's help that first meeting went well and I found she was comfortable talking with me and I was comfortable listening to her. As we are taught in Stephen Ministry training, we are the caregivers and God is the cure giver, and this was evident in our relationship.

Being a Stephen Minister has made me a more thoughtful, compassionate, and caring person. It has enriched my life in so many ways, and I thank God for the opportunity to serve those in need in a caring and loving way.


Lynn Woodruff

If you are wondering if God is calling you to be a Stephen Minister, then you need to know that God can call anyone! I am a warehouse manager, and I never imagined the ways God would work in my life through Stephen Ministry.

I am a better listener at home, at work, and at church. And I don't just "listen", I think about what others are telling me and I try to understand what they are going through, good or bad. I try to lift them up when I need to, or share in their successes.

I used to think it was my actions, and the way I lived my life, that showed people I have faith in God. Now I share my faith openly when I feel the need to, even at work and with my neighbors. Because of Stephen Ministry training, I read my Bible more now than I have in all of my adult life. I am doing things in church and my professional life I never imagined I would be doing just two years ago. My prayers have changed from, "Why me, Lord?" to "Okay, Lord, what's next?"

To me there is no greater joy than understanding that you are doing what God has called you to do. To see someone who is hurting react positively to a prayer, or a kind word, or a simple question in a one-on-one conversation is truly rewarding. Knowing that God is also with you before, during and after the conversation is such a blessing.

My favorite prayer is: Here I am Lord. Teach me, lead me, and use me. Amen!" The Stephen Ministry program is a practical way to allow God to do just that. It is not difficult, but it is both Biblical and thorough, and I thank God for leading me here.


Wendy Chambers

Story coming soon!


Wendy McBane

Story coming soon!


Sharon Brignon

Story coming soon!

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